The Economic and Commercial Office reports back to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on all aspects relating to the Swedish economy. Its main function is to mantain all the necessary contacts and acquire all the information for a fruitful coordination of all the activities aimed to the promotion and development of the Italian exports and interests on the Swedish market. It supervises promotional initiatives like fairs, exhibitions, missions of commercial and business operators, workshops, conferences promoted by the Italian Institutions and organisations in order to improve the image of Italy. To this purpose it provides information and assistance to Italian and Swedish companies and strengthens the framework for the development of the commercial relations between Italy and Sweden.
In this context the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE) and the Italian Chamber of Commerce play a very important role in order to promote contacts and commercial exchanges between the two countries.
ICE Stockholm
Italian Chamber of Commerce for Sweden
Non-economic government bodies
Administration and Documentation Centre for International Economic Cooperation:
- Non-profit government body created to provide market operators with information, documentation, training, assistance and consulting with regard to the countries of Eastern Europe (Balkans, Central-Eastern Europe, CIS) and Central and Eastern Asia (China, Mongolia, Vietnam):
- provides assistance in the use of government internationalisation instruments, which includes helping enterprises to complete the application procedure for funding or contributions.
Several principal representative organisations
Italian Manufacturers’ association:
- contributes – along with political institutions and national and international economic, social and cultural organisations – to the country’s economic growth and social progress;
- intervenes in support of economic, political, social and cultural organisations in Italy and the European Union;
- represents and safeguards the sector of goods and services production.
Italian Confederation of Small and medium-Sized Enterprises:
- promotes the interests of small and medium-sized industry;
- fosters the economic and civil development of the country in association with national and foreign organisations and institutions.
General Italian Confederation of Trade, Tourism, and Services for SMEs:
- collaborates with the European Union in defining community policy in the sector;
- assists and handles applications for contributions for promotional activities abroad;
- researches new markets and seeks out potential buyers on international markets.
Organisation for information on and representation of Italian artisan enterprises:
- supports the development of new enterprises through training activities and information on local and national level opportunities and concessions;
- provides initial assessments of the quality of entrepreneurial projects and offers basic consulting on matters of legislation, credit, taxes and the environment;
- grants financial concessions in order to turn “business plans” into concrete enterprises.
National Confederation of artisan and small and medium-sized enterprises:
- represents artisan enterprises;
- formulates sector strategies and supplies information on opportunities, programmes and tenders proposed by the European Union;
- represents the world of self-enterprise through “CNA self-employed” consultants and collaborators.
Italian agriculture organisation:
- promotes, assists and coordinates the economic activities of individual products or sectors of production;
- represents and safeguards its associate enterprises within the institutional context;
- provides its associates with various qualified services such as legal consultation, training and technical assistance in the management of the agricultural enterprise.
The Italian Development Agency:
- Plays a pivotal role in fostering economic growth;
- Facilitates the establishment, growth, and revitalization of businesses, particularly in economically distressed areas and key strategic sectors;
- Actively works to attract foreign investments to Italy and oversees major national incentive programs that support the creation and expansion of new businesses and innovative start-ups;
- Serves as a central procurement and contracting hub for the execution of public works projects.