- citizens who transfer their residence abroad for periods of over 12 months;
- those who already live abroad, either because they were born abroad or because they subsequently acquired Italian citizenship for any reason.
Penalties for NOT registering with the A.I.R.E.:
Citizens interested in registering with the A.I.R.E. must submit their request to the competent consular office no later than 90 days following their change of residence. This results in the immediate cancellation from the Register of the Resident Population (Anagrafe della Popolazione Residente, A.P.R.) of the Municipality of origin. Those who, having registration obligations, breach the provisions of Law no. 1228 of 24 December 1954, Law no. 470 of 27 October 1988, and the regulations implementing the aforementioned laws are subject to administrative fines, as provided by Law no. 213 of 30 December 2023. The competent authority for ascertaining and imposing the penalty is the Municipality in whose registry the offender is registered.
The procedure for ascertaining and imposing penalties is governed by Law no. 689 of 24 November 1981, Article 1, according to which “No one may be subjected to administrative penalties except by virtue of a law that came into force before the violation was committed”.
Changes in AIRE registration data:
The Italian citizen is obliged to inform his/her municipality of origin, as well as the Consulate, of any changes in registration data (marital status, citizenship, address, family composition, and residency).
The timely communication to the Consulate of changes regarding registration data, in addition to being a citizen’s duty, allows the Italian offices to maintain updated records regarding their citizens residing abroad, thus facilitating both the distribution of all services requested in Italy and abroad, as well as communication between the Consulates and Italian citizens living within their jurisdiction.
It should also be noted that registration with AIRE is a right and duty that Italian citizens have vis-à-vis the Italian State, but it does not absolve the obligations they have vis-à-vis local authorities.
If the citizen fails to comply with the obligation to submit an application for registration within 90 days of the transfer of residency, the Consular office may autonomously forward the registration application to the AIRE of an Italian municipality based on information that has come to its knowledge and that proves that the citizen resides permanently abroad. The citizen will be informed of this registration with a following administrative act of the Italian municipality.
The documentation to be submitted for each application for AIRE registration and/or change is the following:
- AIRE membership application form, filled in its entirety and signed (the signature is not required if the user access via SPID).
- valid Italian identity document (passport or identity card, front and back, even if recently expired). For registrations only, in the case of an entire household, a scan of the Italian identity card or passport of each member of the household must be attached.
- proof of stable and legal residence abroad, in Sweden a Family Certificate (Familjebevis) from Skatteverket in the name of the applicant. In the case of an application relating to an entire household, all the familjebevis of each member of the household who is of age and holds Italian citizenship must be attached. All certificates must be recent (issued within the past 3 months). Click the link below to request the certificate:
Order a population registration certificate | Skatteverket
The Consular Office only accepts AIRE registration/change applications through the FAST-IT online portal.
The above-mentioned documentation must therefore be scanned and transmitted online. Each AIRE registration/change application has a limit on the total weight of attachments. Instead of JPG format, it is therefore recommended to use PDF format (even in reduced quality, in black and white). Compatriots are therefore requested to follow the above instructions exclusively.
ONLY in the event that a compatriot should experience problems with the online portal, please kindly contact the Consular Registry at the following e-mail address:
For more information, visit the website Register of Italians living abroad (A.I.R.E.) – Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale